How to install Golang in Termux

How to Get Started with Go (Golang) in Termux

Go, is often referred to as Golang, it is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and efficiency. You can use Go on your Android device by the Termux app, if you have not install termux follow this tutorial how to install termux on android which provides a terminal environment for running command-line programs. In this tutorial, l will walk you through the steps to set up and use Go in Termux also feel free to go through this list of termux command line after installation and how to set allow host in django

Prerequisites for this tutorial

make sure you have the following:

1. An Android device with the Termux app installed.
2. Internet connectivity for downloading Go.

3. Free space at least 1gb

 Step 1: Update and Upgrade Termux

Open the Termux app and ensure that your package repositories are up to date by running:

pkg update

This command will fetch the latest package information.

Step 2: Install Go

Now, let’s install Go. Run the following command:

pkg install golang

Termux will download and install Go on your device. Wait for the installation to complete.

 Step 3: Create a Go Workspace (Optional)

Although optional, creating a Go workspace is a good practice for organizing your Go projects. In Termux, you can create a workspace and set the GOPATH environment variable like this:

mkdir ~/go
export GOPATH=~/go


Step 4: Write Your Go Code

Open a text editor in Termux to write your Go code. You can use built-in editors like Nano or Vim, or install a code editor like micro or neovim with the following command

pkg install nano  # For Nano
pkg install neovim  # For Neovim


Now, You can create a new Go source file.

For example:

nano hello.go

Write your Go code in this file. Here’s a simple “Hello, World!” program in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")


Save the file and exit the text editor.

Step 5: Compile and Run Your Go Code

You can compile and run your Go code using the go command.
Navigate to the SOURCE directory where your Go code is located and run:

If you didn’t follow this guide make sure to replace hello.go with the name of your Go source file. You should see the output of your program displayed in your Termux terminal.

That is it , your first Go code.

Congratulations! We’ve successfully set up and used Go in Termux on your Android device.You can advance in go programming by taking coursed and tutorial guides

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